Enqueueing from Kafka topics

Nexus has built-in support to use the very popular Apache Kafka platform for both instance events as well as taking messages from a Kafka topic and enqueueing into a Nexus queue.

In order to use this you need to install the NuGet package for RabbitMQ called CommerceMind.Nexus.Kafka.

You set it up like this:

    .AddKafka(options =>
        options.ConsumerConfig.BootstrapServers = "...";
        options.ConsumerConfig.GroupId = "...";

With this examples all messages posted to the kafka-topic will get placed in the Nexus queue for KafkaQueueMessage.

Instance events

You can also use Kafka as the way to send signals between Nexus instances in a scaled out environment.

    .AddKafka(options =>
        options.ConsumerConfig.BootstrapServers = "...";
        options.ConsumerConfig.GroupId = "...";

        options.ProducerConfig.BootstrapServers = "...";
    .AddKafkaInstanceEvents(options => 
        // Change this to something unique if you're using the same Kafka instance for multiple
        // different Nexus applications
        options.TopicName = "nexus_instance_events";